Berlin, Germany
"You are a really nice guy! And you just served me the best drink I have had in six months. Thanks so much!"
How did he react?
He grinned, "thank you!"
How did I feel?
I love vodka. Everyone else swallows their shot in one second and makes a face. My 2 cl last for 30 sips that come with a smile. Sometimes I spend half an hour with that glass by my side. Call me strange, I like the taste of it. Speaking of tastes here are my favorite ones: vanilla and cinnamon. I add them to everything. Chocolate, yoghurt, Indian Curry; They upgrade it all. I have been experimenting with the two of them for years. Before meeting Arthur I was sure I had already figured out all the combinations there are. But tonight Arthur disabused me. He introduced me to the best threesome in food history: Vodka, cinnamon and vanilla. At Geist Im Glas, a bar he works at, he poured a shot of their homemade liquor in a glass for me. I had no idea what to expect, in fact my friend and I had randomly ended up at the place, looking for a nice spot around the corner. When Arthur had asked us for our order I had looked around and discovered a shelf full of bottles behind him. Not just any brands, the labels were handwritten and those bottles reminded me of Snape’s cabinet from Harry Potter, sitting in the dark, waiting to be explored… There were about twenty of them and the first name I saw said “vodka cinnamon vanilla”. I knew I had to go for it. While chatting about Ann Arbor with Arthur (we both have family there) I took the glass from him and tried. A mhhhmh slipped out of my mouth. It was a taste explosion. Still vodka, still hard- yet round and, well, yeah, gentle! (I can’t believe I am writing this. I sound like a sixty year old, rich whisky lover. Good thing David showed me how to appreciate tastes and the art of tasting.) This time around I took an hour to finish the shot. Just because it was such a treasure. It tasted like a woman who has balls and a sharp tongue yet moves aesthetically, has soft skin and wears a light smile for make up. She doesn't put on more for she's a natural beauty.
Before leaving I complimented Arthur. When I told him about the project he laughed and said, "So that makes me your complimentee! Does that word even exist?" I grinned, shrugged and said, "It does now." His reaction to the compliment came with an open smile. After thanking me he said, "I wish I could say I made the drink, too, but I didn't." "Well, you served it in the best way possible." I answered and asked, "So what do you do when you don't pour drinks?" I learned about Arthur's DJ career (18 years with breaks) in NYC and Berlin. He recently founded a label, too, and told me Berlin is treating him well in terms of DJing and gigs. Next week he'll be playing five minutes from Geist Im Glas. If I am in town i'll go for sure- can't wait to dance to some beats of tonight's friendly bartender. Thanks for the good service, your smile and that stunning drink, Arthur!
Berlin, Germany
"You are a really nice guy! And you just served me the best drink I have had in six months. Thanks so much!"
How did he react?
He grinned, "thank you!"
How did I feel?
I love vodka. Everyone else swallows their shot in one second and makes a face. My 2 cl last for 30 sips that come with a smile. Sometimes I spend half an hour with that glass by my side. Call me strange, I like the taste of it. Speaking of tastes here are my favorite ones: vanilla and cinnamon. I add them to everything. Chocolate, yoghurt, Indian Curry; They upgrade it all. I have been experimenting with the two of them for years. Before meeting Arthur I was sure I had already figured out all the combinations there are. But tonight Arthur disabused me. He introduced me to the best threesome in food history: Vodka, cinnamon and vanilla. At Geist Im Glas, a bar he works at, he poured a shot of their homemade liquor in a glass for me. I had no idea what to expect, in fact my friend and I had randomly ended up at the place, looking for a nice spot around the corner. When Arthur had asked us for our order I had looked around and discovered a shelf full of bottles behind him. Not just any brands, the labels were handwritten and those bottles reminded me of Snape’s cabinet from Harry Potter, sitting in the dark, waiting to be explored… There were about twenty of them and the first name I saw said “vodka cinnamon vanilla”. I knew I had to go for it. While chatting about Ann Arbor with Arthur (we both have family there) I took the glass from him and tried. A mhhhmh slipped out of my mouth. It was a taste explosion. Still vodka, still hard- yet round and, well, yeah, gentle! (I can’t believe I am writing this. I sound like a sixty year old, rich whisky lover. Good thing David showed me how to appreciate tastes and the art of tasting.) This time around I took an hour to finish the shot. Just because it was such a treasure. It tasted like a woman who has balls and a sharp tongue yet moves aesthetically, has soft skin and wears a light smile for make up. She doesn't put on more for she's a natural beauty.
Before leaving I complimented Arthur. When I told him about the project he laughed and said, "So that makes me your complimentee! Does that word even exist?" I grinned, shrugged and said, "It does now." His reaction to the compliment came with an open smile. After thanking me he said, "I wish I could say I made the drink, too, but I didn't." "Well, you served it in the best way possible." I answered and asked, "So what do you do when you don't pour drinks?" I learned about Arthur's DJ career (18 years with breaks) in NYC and Berlin. He recently founded a label, too, and told me Berlin is treating him well in terms of DJing and gigs. Next week he'll be playing five minutes from Geist Im Glas. If I am in town i'll go for sure- can't wait to dance to some beats of tonight's friendly bartender. Thanks for the good service, your smile and that stunning drink, Arthur!