Maike and Adam
Cologne, Germany
"The two of you make a beautiful couple. You looked so honeymoon like when you just walked by! Also I think each of you is very attractive."
How did they react?
They totally took it! Broad smiles and several thank yous :)
How did I feel?
At first: Sure they were on vacation. They were walking down the biggest tourist spot in Cologne, the cathedral. Hand in hand, moving slowly. Soft faces, light steps. A few seconds after they'd passed me I chose them. I ran after them and called "Excuse me..." in English. Turned out they did speak German and actually live in Cologne. They'd just missed an organ concert in the cathedral (Maike: "Because we were two minutes late..." Adam: "...or because we weren't wearing the right shoes."). They were super easy to talk to. Very open hearted, yet this compliment was a challenge for me: I have never told one stranger my age that I find him hot before- now it was two at once. When I said "And you are both very attractive" I suddenly looked down and turned a little red. -- Just to look up again and face Maike's sunny smile.
In the end she told me: "Just to give you some feedback: Before you stopped us I was going to tell him that I thought you looked so friendly, telling from the way you smiled at me when you passed. It caught my attention."
What a beautiful compliment :) Thank you, Maike.
Anything else?
Yes! I promised this was going to be a bit of a travel blog, too. I am privileged to walk through Cologne with the vacation eyes: Everything is new. Every walk I go for is a sensory feast, consciously perceived. Today I discovered the Melatenfriedhof, a giant old cemetery. I passed the Aachener Weiher a tank surrounded by a park, number one hang out spot as it seems. I walked further and reached the city center, some street art, some other details catching my attention. Enjoy.