Oberwinter, Germany
"What an awesome bike! Great work keeping it in shape! Thanks for riding it and lighting my day."
How did he react?
He and his friend laughed. His friend said: "See I told you she was gonna say something about the bike..:"
He said: "Haha, yeah! Thank you! As a matter of fact this one is 40 years old! I used to have another one of those but i gave it to my son. Guess what I got two 40 year old cars - beetles- in my garage, too!"
"Oooh beetles! I love them! You've got a great taste in vehicles... So are you an Oberwinterer?"
"Sure. I live right over there... I am fairly new to this area though, I have only lived here for 8 years. Originally I am from another town 7 miles further. But my kids live here and they kept telling me to sell my house and buy one here. So eventually I did it."
"Sounds like you are one great dad."
How did I feel?
Meeting Ewald was a pleasure. My friends and I were taking a bike trip along the Rhine. We had just turned off from the trail, about to take a break and buy some food in an Oberwinter supermarket. That's when Ewald passed us on his motorbike. It's rattling drowned our conversation and it's red caught our attention. I saw him again in front of the supermarket and ran, shouting. "Excuse me..." The compliment went super easy, Ewald was pure friendliness. I spent five minutes with him in which about 7 people passed, grinning, greeting and asking "How are you, Ewald? Good to see you!". His accent was amazing. To me it sounded like a mixture of all German accents there are but apparently it's typical for the area he was born in. I wished he'd never stop talking so I could listen to his accent and enjoy his friendly vibe forever.
Oberwinter, Germany
"What an awesome bike! Great work keeping it in shape! Thanks for riding it and lighting my day."
How did he react?
He and his friend laughed. His friend said: "See I told you she was gonna say something about the bike..:"
He said: "Haha, yeah! Thank you! As a matter of fact this one is 40 years old! I used to have another one of those but i gave it to my son. Guess what I got two 40 year old cars - beetles- in my garage, too!"
"Oooh beetles! I love them! You've got a great taste in vehicles... So are you an Oberwinterer?"
"Sure. I live right over there... I am fairly new to this area though, I have only lived here for 8 years. Originally I am from another town 7 miles further. But my kids live here and they kept telling me to sell my house and buy one here. So eventually I did it."
"Sounds like you are one great dad."
How did I feel?
Meeting Ewald was a pleasure. My friends and I were taking a bike trip along the Rhine. We had just turned off from the trail, about to take a break and buy some food in an Oberwinter supermarket. That's when Ewald passed us on his motorbike. It's rattling drowned our conversation and it's red caught our attention. I saw him again in front of the supermarket and ran, shouting. "Excuse me..." The compliment went super easy, Ewald was pure friendliness. I spent five minutes with him in which about 7 people passed, grinning, greeting and asking "How are you, Ewald? Good to see you!". His accent was amazing. To me it sounded like a mixture of all German accents there are but apparently it's typical for the area he was born in. I wished he'd never stop talking so I could listen to his accent and enjoy his friendly vibe forever.