Mannheim, Germany
"I just saw you smell the flowers. You raid out ultimate pleasure and calm, as if you were on a 10 second trip to paradise..."
How did he react?
His eyes, the widest I'd seen in weeks, grew even bigger. Slowly he said, "Thank you! What a nice project you got there. I really like the idea."
How did I feel?
Gerrit was an exceptional kid. His face expressed wonder and openness. He seemed like he'd just landed from another planet, busy getting to know his new surrounding that moved three times faster than his world. The way he sunk into the flowers in slow motion, bending forward with his eyes closed, completely absorbed- Passing by I immediately took note of him. I was deep in conversation with a friend but a second from the corner of my eye was enough. He was too special to let him go. "Hi!", I greeted him. "Moin."*, he said. Once I was done complimenting him I asked him where he was from. "Kiel", he said.
"What brings you to Mannheim?"
"I'm visiting someone."
"The one you are smelling the roses for?"
"Yeah... My girlfriend."
"That's cute!"
We chatted for a bit. Gerrit told me he studies medicine and is all about acting. I bet he rocks at it- with that presence... I'd have loved to talk to him a little more but my friends were waiting so I said goodbye and wished him all the best.
Short but impressive!
Anything else?
Gerrit, in case you read this: Here's a second compliment. After we left I told my friends you are in Kiel while she lives in Mannheim. We all agreed it was quite an accomplishment, making that distance work permanently. I hope she liked the flowers... Good luck to you guys!
* Moin is North German dialect for Guten Morgen/Guten Tag, which means Good morning/Gidday.